The VEKA – SPECTRAL system is a particularly system with a centre seal. The innovatiove multi-chamber geometry of VEKA – SPECTRAL ensures excellent thermal insulation with values of up to Uw=0.74W/(m²K) when using highly insulating triple glazing with Ug=0.5W/(m²K). In a thermally optimised version with thermally separated steel reinforcements, VEKA – SPECTRAL also easily meets the highest energy efficiency requirements – from low-energy houses to passive houses.

Technical data

System construction depth 82 mm
Face widths min.
Fixed field: 73 mm
BLR+FLG: 114 mm
Glass thickness max.
54 mm
Wing width max.
1400 mm
Wing height max.
2500 mm
up to 1.0 W/(m²K)
[0.94 W/(m²K) with thermal break]
Sound insulation Rw
up to 47 dB
Wind Load Resistance
up to class B5
Driving rain tightness
up to class 9A
Air flow
up to grade 4
Burglary resistance
up to RC2
Wall thickness
Class A according to DIN EN 12608-1